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今天是 2025年03月09日
- Terence Sumpter
- 作者:千课万人 发表时间:2018-01-05
Terence is an Assistant Headteacher of Monega Primary School.his teacher training as part of the Initial Teacher Training programme via the East London Alliance in 2014.Terence worked as a class teacher for 3 years at Tollgate Primary School. During this time, Terence became a trainer for the East London Alliance and trained both Trainee Teachers and Newly Qualified Teachers in a range of subjects such as Computing.Furthermore, Terence was chosen to deliver a model lesson to Paul Kett, the newly appointed Director General for Education Standards. Whilst at Tollgate Primary School, Terence also developed links with the Consent Schools in the Netherlands where visits and communications between the two parties focused on supporting children with special educational needs.
【上一篇】Timothy Sheehan
【下一篇】单 静
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